Monday 15 June 2015

Welcome to Cambodia

It was time to say goodbye to Vietnam this morning and I was quite glad of it considering how ill I felt. I'm pretty sure I drank some dodgy vodka. I know I'm a lightweight but 3 drinks would not have made me in the state I was in. Teaches me to not buy super cheap alcohol. However, I managed the bus journey and the border so we got to Cambodia with no problems! I also slept off my illness and felt much better. We arrived in Phnom Penh at around 2pm and were immediately bombarded by this guy wanting to give us a ride on his tuk tuk (a motorbike with a little carriage attached to the bike). The driver was called DJ Camera and we allowed him to drive us to our hostel. He was rather jolly, telling us excitedly that Beckham was in the country as he's been visiting Angkor Wat. We googled it later and discovered he was telling the truth! Gotta love Beckham. 

We dropped our bags off at our hostel and got a late lunch. The cafe we went to had ridiculously slow service so we didn't end up eating until just before 4. I had barbecue beef with onions which was rather tasty with a nice lime flavour. Matt got enough rice for about 4 people and ate it all. For someone so skinny he can eat a lot. 

Because our food had taken so long, we missed out on seeing some sights as everything shuts at 5. We got another tuk tuk to the independence monument and walked back, passing the palace and national museum which were both closed. We'll be going back to them hopefully. We then headed up to the central market but by this time that was shutting up. We settled for sitting by the river and watching a lightning storm over on the other side. Very impressive. 

Thinking that we'd surely be able to check out the night market we strolled past only to realise that it doesn't open on a Monday. We'd had an unlucky day but even so I'd enjoyed it (apart from wanting to be sick). Cambodia is similar to Vietnam but it has some spectacular looking buildings which I'm guessing are their churches (or a similar building). They tend to be gold coloured with intricate detail, especially on the roof. I think I'm going to like Cambodia. 

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