Friday 2 October 2015


We left early from the hostel in Te Anau so as to reach Dunedin by lunch time. It took four hours and the roads weren't the most exciting but the journey didn't drag. Last night I had called my parents friends, Keith and Ewa, to see if it would be possible to visit them. They had invited us for lunch so they were expecting us when we arrived at midday. They own a beautiful old bed and breakfast very close to the centre of Dunedin. It's called Fletcher Lodge and is rather magnificent. Ewa showed us round when we got there, letting us check out the $600 a night rooms that they have. She then took us through to their little house at the back of the bed and breakfast and we sat outside on the deck to eat lunch. It was a lovely sunny, warm day so perfect for lunch al fresco. Keith arrived shortly before the food was served so we had a good chat about how they know mama and papa Newman (they worked with my dad) and I got to hear stories of what my dad got up to when I was a baby. Apparently, my parents had a vegan barbecue once (who knows why) but my dad had set up a secret barbecue away from the house for meat that nobody knew about. The sneaky men had to go to the end of the garden and quickly munch down a sausage or burger before returning to the party like nothing had happened!

For lunch we had two quiches (smoked bacon, chicken and cranberry as well as sweet potato and sage) with salad, coleslaw and beetroot, accompanied by a lovely Sauvignon blanc. A sophisticated lunch. After eating they offered us a room for the night which we happily accepted and then told us the places to visit in the city. We set off down the road with a map circled with the best destinations and went exploring. First up we walked to the octagon which is the centre of the city. It was quite nice and lively which neither of us were expecting. We then walked to the train station which was a fabulously grand building with a beautiful mosaic interior. Quite close by was the settlers museum. We had been told this was good to visit so we went inside (it was free). It was rather interesting and explained about the Scottish who came over in the 19th century and settled here (I think Dunedin means Edinburgh in Gaelic). After some educating we walked over to the university campus. Dunedin university is the largest and oldest in New Zealand (maybe Australasia too). It was a lovely campus with a nice clock tower. I wouldn't have minded doing my degree there. 

On our way back to Feltcher Lode we decided to buy a bottle of wine to thank Keith and Ewa for their hospitality. Turns out you need a passport to buy wine but we had left them in the car back at the bed and breakfast. We looked rather foolish and felt guilty going back without a contribution. Nevertheless, Ewa made us a tea of what I guessed was polish sausage in a tomato sauce with green beans and mashed potato. It was so nice to have home cooked food not in a hostel. We all ate together and chatted more about my family (they really seem to love my dad and went on about how clever they think he is) before getting on to topics such as politics and football which Matt enjoyed. We talked until quite late but eventually called it a night and after a cuddle with their very cute dog, Fletcher, we went to bed. 

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