Monday 1 June 2015

Sapa #2

It felt lovely to wake up at a suitable hour after a lush nights sleep. We were given coffee (thicker and sweeter than back home which is a good thing) and pancakes with bananas and Sapa honey. So good. 

After lots of food, we set off walking again; the view was just as beautiful. Think the Lake District but with rice terraces and sun rather than rain. We continued for a couple of hours until we stopped at a river to swim. I went straight in even though it was super cold. The fact that it was cold was actually really refreshing. The water didn't look exceptionally clean but it seemed to be the place to swim as many tourists and locals were there also. 

We had to trek up a hill from the river so the sweat that I had washed off returned immediately. However, after about 15 minutes we reached our lunch destination. Lunch was noodles in a soup with cabbage and topped with fried egg. It sounds a little dodgy but it tasted pretty nice. With our bellies full we had to say goodbye to our tour guide. She had been amazing and cheerful and funny the whole way. If you ever do this trip, hope for someone like her. 

A minibus took us back to Sapa town where we were free to roam the markets and see a little lake. The town was sweet but anymore than a few hours there and it would become dull. We went for a tea in a restaurant with a spectacular view overlooking the valley and mountains. The food kind of sucked but the view made up for it. 

The bus stop was back on the other side of town so we strolled over before getting on another sleeper bus back to Hanoi. 

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