Sunday 6 September 2015

Fraser day 3

On our final morning on Fraser Island we woke up to the sound of music coming from Tony's car. We got up, packed up our sleeping bags and ate some muesli with a banana. I also had to sweep out the masses of sand that had somehow creeped into our tent. It was strangely satisfying. We also had to make sandwiches but there was a problem: we were out of bread. We'd bought bread with our German clan but they had obviously been using too much of it (we didn't even have any on the first day!) so we had to use what we had. We sandwiched together our leftover sausages with cheese slices and lettuce and mayo. I had an audience when making these which basically meant people were laughing at me. At least we had food!

With our strange lunch packed up we set off for lake Mackenzie, the most famous lake on Fraser. It's famous for its clear water and white sand and people are only allowed to visit it for an hour at a time (not sure why). After a little drive along the beach and then some bumpy tracks through the trees we arrived. A short walk from the car park was this lovely lake, just how I imagined it to be. Everyone went straight in the water even though it was bloody freezing and because we'd been told that if you rub the pure sand (like the stuff on Whitehaven beach) in your hair it will make it soft, it works as an exfoliant for your skin and even as a whitener for your teeth we did just that. I didn't do the teeth part (others did) but I threw it all over me and rubbed it in my hair. I also hadnt showered for a good few days now so it was the best I could do. My hair felt a little softer but not much. The water was magical though. Like being in a bath just without the bubbles, it was that clear. I feel like I've said this a lot but it's the clearest I've ever seen. Apparently, there aren't any living creatures in the lake because of its purity or something. 

After washing myself with sand and rinsing it off I got out because the water was so cold. After drying off slightly I joined in a game of some kind of volleyball for a good half hour (I was pretty crap) until we had to head back to the cars and set off for our lunch spot: Kingfisher Bay. This was also the ferry port. It was only a ten minute drive away from lake Mackenzie so it was only just midday when we sat down at some picnic tables and tucked into our strange sandwiches. We also had fruit and crisps to eat so we didn't go hungry but I actually really enjoyed the cheese slice sandwiches. They were something different! I'd wrapped them up well so we didn't get sticky hands or anything. 

Kingfisher Bay was a resort, ferry port and little beach with a pier. We didn't go on the beach (it didn't look that nice) but did walk down the pier and admired the little army crabs (I'm not sure on their actual name) that moved in huge tight groups across the beach. They looked like little silver balls with crab legs which were very amusing to watch. 

Most of us stayed on the pier so we could walk straight onto the ferry when it was time. The sun was shining but the wind on the ferry made it a little chilly so I was glad to get back in the car when we'd made it to the mainland. We had a quick stop for fuel before driving straight back to the hostel, checking in and having a much needed shower. I've never felt so clean. I must have looked strange stroking my clean hair for the rest of the day. 

By the time we'd sorted ourselves out it was gone 5pm so we popped to the shop to buy breakfast for tomorrow and a nice bottle of wine for Carrie, the lady that we met in Borneo who we are going to visit tomorrow as she lives near Brisbane. Neither of us could be bothered to cook anything for tea though so instead we found some cheap $7 fish and chips. They were nowhere near as good as you get back home but I guess they weren't bad for the price. 

We were going to go for a drink with all of the people from our tour but they just drank their leftover alcohol from the trip in the hostel and since we had none left and we were super tired we went to bed. I must have fallen asleep before 8pm. I'm very hardcore these days. 

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