Wednesday 19 August 2015


For some unknown reason our minibus arrived late. We stopped off for two incredibly long breaks so I reckon the company did it on purpose. This meant that if we were to walk up to the viewpoint to see the sunrise and Bromo we wouldn't get there in time. They offered us a lift up and we had to pay for an entry ticket that we wouldn't have had to have if we were walking. I wasn't happy but I didn't want to miss the sunrise so forked out the extra 12 quid or so. 

It turned out that we missed the start of the sunrise anyway and had to watch some of it from the minibus. It was spectacular as well. These deep red colours rose above the horizon, something I've never seen before. Finally, we got off the bus and had to walk up a bit further to a viewpoint. It's difficult to explain the view that was waiting for us but I'll try my best (see pictures though). At one side was the sun rising up above a volcano far in the distance, smoke spiralling off gently. At the other side were a cluster of mountains and volcanoes sat in the middle of a flat land, the flat land being covered in cloud at this point giving the whole image an eerie but amazing look. A couple of these volcanoes had smoke rising out of them, Bromo (the smallest) having the most smoke. It was absolutely incredible (it was a wow mummy), something I doubt I will ever see again. 

We walked further up (wrapped up in many layers as it was less than 10 degrees Celsius), stopping at different viewpoints along the way until we could go no further. Although the sun had risen by now the light was the most beautiful with a bright blue sky and the low cloud lingering. Eventually, the cloud vanished and left a visible view of the ash covered flat lands with little tiny cars driving in strange directions all over it. At this point we decided to head back down to the minibus as we still wanted to climb Bromo but didn't have much time before our bus to Bali. 

Back down in the village that lay at the base of all these wonders we hopped off the bus and quickly set off on foot for Bromo. We'd been told it was a 45 minute walk up there so we had time but it turned out to take us an hour. We're not exactly slow but we had to walk down a big hill then over the flatlands to the base of Bromo before climbing up it. Various jeeps and scooters we driving over the flat lands to the base, carrying those lazy people that didn't want to walk. These were the cars we could see from the viewpoints that sort of follow a track that has been created but still drive all over the place. 

At the base we had to walk up past horses (for more lazy people) through the ash (like a dark sand), covering our faces due to the sulphur. Half way up the path turned into some steps so the way up was easy. At the crater we looked down into the smoking volcano. Again, it's hard to describe but it was exactly how I imagined a volcano but minus the lava. Incredible. We didn't stay for long as we had to get back for our bus so headed back down, across and up to the village. The bus didn't seem to be going anywhere for a while so we stopped for breakfast in a hotel where everyone else seemed to be eating. It was a buffet with mie goreng and nasi goreng (noodles and rice) with some fruit. It was around half 9 at this point so we were both very hungry and feeling tired from lack of sleep and the climb. 

Back on the minibus (later than expected) we drove an hour to a big bus that we were to take to Bali. On the big bus we continued on for a couple of hours before stopping for lunch. Straight away we grabbed plates and had some of the buffet food here (other people somehow living off ice creams or nothing). It didn't look the most appetising but I had rice and some soya thing that tasted nice but I hadn't a clue what it was. However, I only had a small plate so didn't feel nicely full afterwards. This was a mistake as the bus then took us on to the ferry but had to wait in line for a couple of hours before finally boarding at around 9pm. Just under an hour on the ferry and we were back on the bus for another few hours before finally reaching Denpasar at 1am. No tea for me. We'd wanted to go onto Ubud, a place in the countryside, but we knew we wouldn't have the time so instead joined other people for a very expensive taxi into the centre to find a hostel. We settled for a motel like place that was modern but not too expensive. I had to shower as I was covered in ash still and then I slept. Oh how I'd missed sleep. 

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