Sunday 23 August 2015

Lazy lagoon life

I had volunteered last night to help sail this morning so when I heard the anchor being pulled up I waited for someone to call out for the volunteers. This call didn't come so after a while I went up to deck and discovered I was too late. They had just started and someone else had taken my place. This upset me rather a lot so I went and lay in my bed for a bit. I stayed there until until breakfast was called around 10 minutes later. Today I mixed things up so after my bowl of fruit salad I had a peanut butter and plum jam sandwich. Matt got jealous of my sandwich so I had to make him one too. We ate above deck as it was a nice looking day and we stayed there after breakfast as well, enjoying the morning sunshine and views. 

At around half 8 we docked back in Airlie Beach, all of us a little annoyed it was so early; we'd paid for two days and it hadnt been two full days. Nevertheless, we said our goodbyes and walked the 20 minute walk back to Airlie Beach centre. Once there we found a travel agent and used their computers to book a bus for that evening. We had already got another night at the same hostel as it was some kind of deal for two nights but the thought of staying in Airlie Beach for another day wasn't appealing. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice place but there's not a lot to do. 

After we'd booked the bus we sat by the lagoon and took it in turns to swim. The water was cold but it felt fresh and we hadn't showered in a while so this made us a little cleaner. I ended up having a little nap whilst Matt went to the supermarket and bought us some lunch. He came back with a whole cooked chicken, a pesto pasta salad and a couple of bananas. It was good but there was a lot of it. We ended up saving some so Matt could have it as a snack later on. We ate on a picnic bench by the lagoon and after stayed there to play a few card games. Once this got boring we sat by the lagoon again and after another swim we used the communal showers. These are just open so everyone can see you therefore I got some strange looks when I brought out my shampoo and shower gel. I'm guessing people don't normally do that. I must have looked homeless. 

When we'd both showered and dried off it was starting to get a little darker and the lagoon was emptying. We wanted to find somewhere to eat out (if it wasn't too pricey) so started walking down the main street, checking out prices. This is when we realised that we could have checked into the hostel (we'd already paid after all) earlier, used their showers and wifi and kitchen and then checked out just before the bus. We're foolish. Nevertheless, we found an Indian place with a deal on so had a vegetable rogan josh and tikka masala to share as well as rice and popadoms. They are no where near as good as curries you get in the UK. They didn't have that much flavour and didn't taste much different to each other. However, it filled a hole and we watched an interview with Stephen Fry from last year that was being played on a big screen in the restaurant area. I found his views on God very interesting. 

We wasted more time by playing a few more card games and eventually walked back to the hostel as we'd managed to leave our bags there all day. We picked them up, sorted ourselves out and went and sat at Macdonalds next door for half an hour or so. We bought sundaes (mcflurrys are well pricey over here) and attempted to use their wifi before our phones died. The sundaes are actually quite good. They use nice soft scoop ice cream and cover it with a sauce; I had caramel. Our bus wasn't until 11.55pm but at just gone 10 we walked over to the bus stop which was a 15 minute walk away. Once there I settled on a bench and had a little nap until the bus finally arrived. I sleepily boarded the bus and was unconscious again very quickly. I can sleep pretty much anywhere. 

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