Wednesday 19 August 2015

Magnetic Island

Our bus arrived at Townsville at quarter to 6 this morning but the ferry terminal didn't open until 6 and the first ferry wasn't until half 6. However, instead of getting the first ferry to Magnetic Island we thought it would be wise to buy our food for the next couple of days on the main land where it would be cheaper. This meant a nice half an hour walk to a big supermarket where we spent a total of $20 dollars for two lunches and two teas for both of us. Not bad. 

Back at the ferry terminal we had to wait another half an hour for the next ferry but arrived on the island at about half 9. It was a lovely sunny day so with our sunnies on we walked to the bus stop and managed to get on a bus immediately to Horseshoe Bay. We got off the bus just before the bay as that's where our hostel was and we checked in. This place was called Bungalow Bay and Koala Village. We slept in bungalows and they had a little wildlife area with koalas. However, when we got there we couldn't check in as it was still before 10am so instead we left our bags and headed to Horseshoe bay where we sat on the beach in some shade and had a little nap (we hadn't had our usual 8 hours sleep). 

It was nearly midday when we woke up and since we had our lunch with us we thought it would be nice to walk to the next bay along (the island has many bays) and eat our lunch. It was a bit of a trek up a big hill and then all the way down the other side but finally we reached Balding Bay (I hope Claire owns it). Maybe it was because the only way onto this beach was by foot or water but there seemed to be quite a few nudists displaying themselves to us. There was probably a total of ten people on the beach though, including the nudists, so it didn't matter to much and we just chose to look out to sea whilst eating our ham sandwiches. 

It was rather warm after we'd finished lunch so we had a quick swim in the sea but quickly got out as the water was rather cold. When we'd dried off we walked back up the big hill but had to go back to Horseshoe Bay rather than on to another place as we'd ran out of water and the nearest shops were in Horseshoe Bay. This was a little annoying but we bought a big bottle of water and a drink of milk (very refreshing) and set off for the second time up the big hill. It added an extra hour onto our walk but we finally made it past Balding Bay and onto Radical Bay. Again we swam in the sea but mainly because we'd got a little sweaty from our hike. The walls were rather lovely although there wasn't much greenery as it is the dry season at the moment. We clambered over rocks and walked along a well signposted path. 

We didn't stay long at Radical Bay as it was getting late in the afternoon and we wanted to see a couple of other bays before it got dark so next up was Florence Bay. To get to Florence Bay we had to simply walk along a road as Radical Bay onwards are accessible for vehicles. The road was only a single track though so we saw one car and got to enjoy the late afternoon sun. Florence Bay was nice but it was colder now so we didn't fancy swimming. Instead we quickly walked on to a viewpoint over looking the next bay: Arthur Bay. This was the last one on our walk but as we were worried it would get dark before we got back to the hostel we didn't walk onto the beach but made our way back to the main road and then from there to the hostel. We got back just before 6pm and showered before making our tea. We'd gone cheap by buying pasta and a carbonara sauce (I hate buying ready made sauces but sometimes it's easier and cheaper) but added fried onion and courgette to it so we felt a little healthier. There was lots leftover so we packed it in some boxes that we'd also purchased and had lunch prepared for tomorrow! 

After washing up we decided to have an early night. I fell asleep before 9. I'm hardcore. If anyone knows me well though they'll know that whenever I lie down I seem to fall asleep. 

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