Friday 31 July 2015

Escaping Brunei

We managed to wake up early enough but I had had a very bad night sleep due to having a temperature and Matt is just slow anyway so we didn't have time for breakfast before leaving for the bus. However, we chose to get a water taxi again to save us time and save me energy. The journey was hideous. It was bad enough yesterday but today I had my big bag on my back and I was ready to vom at any second so I'm still not sure how I survived it. Nevertheless, I made it without throwing up and we were actually very early for the bus. This meant we could go and sit down for a leisurely breakfast instead. I managed a couple of pieces of French toast before I couldn't stomach anymore. Being ill whilst travelling isn't the best. 

The bus took 8 hours in total with various border crossings (out of Brunei and into Malaysia then into Brunei again and finally out and into Malaysia once more) and an hour stop for lunch. We sat down at a little place near the bus for food and chose the home cooked grub they had on offer. The rice and onions and green veg was good but I couldn't finish it (luckily Matt finished it for me). 

We arrived in Kota Kinabalu at around 4pm and took a while to find our hostel as we needed to find wifi to get its address. I pretty much went straight to sleep when we dumped our bags and slept for a good two hours (Matt also napped) before deciding that getting food would be a good idea. We headed for the night market by the harbour and sat down at a pop up restaurant. They were all serving seafood which wasn't top of my list to eat when feeling under the weather but I ordered a plate of fried squid (calamares) along with an orange juice which I finished easily. On the way back we passed a crispy pancake stand so Matt ordered two and I had a chocolate one that also had peanuts in it. It was warm and comforting and small so I could stomach it. Chocolate is the best cure (maybe tomorrow I'll be cured). 

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