Friday 24 July 2015

Kuala Lumpur

Our first morning in Kuala Lumpur began with a breakfast of toast and jam at the hostel which we made ourselves. The jam wasn't the best but it was free so I didn't complain. We also booked a few flights while we ate, adding in a trip to Brunei and then our flight from Bali to Cairns. Exciting things to come! 

Out of the hostel and we found a temple less than twenty metres away so had a little look. It was quite nice but the entrance was the most impressive with carvings of horses and things. Take a look at the picture to see for yourself. There were other temples to see but we bypassed them, choosing to see other things in the city instead. However, before we saw anything else, we made a stop at the post office to post our postcards. This was no ordinary post office. It was super modern. We were told to post our cards in the glass box which just sounds really cool. 

We were walking towards the botanical gardens which take up a vast amount of the central city but had a look round the Kuala Lumpur gallery first. It was tiny and there wasn't much to see except some beautiful cloths but upstairs was a model of the whole city. This was Kuala Lumpur though so they'd pimped it up with lights and then created a slide show with the lights to match, explaining where certain buildings were and the amount of development that has occurred in the last five years (300 buildings have been built in the last five years!). We were rather impressed and finished off our gallery tour with an iced coffee and a cake in the cafe. I ate a mini blueberry cheesecake that was delicious. Maybe we should have gone for something Malaysian but the cake looked too good. 

Just outside of the gallery was a lovely big square of grass surrounded by interesting buildings, a flag pole, a lovely fountain and some little covered seated areas with beautiful plants growing over them. Kuala Lumpur has some style. 

Finally, we reached the gardens and strolled through to the lake garden. I do love parks and this one didn't disappoint. It was beautifully looked after with lovely lawns and trees and paths. Further into the park we found the planetarium which was free to go in. Obviously, we had a look and pressed all the buttons as well as going up to the little view deck to check out the rest of the gardens. From there we could see the aviary which we wanted to visit next (if you remember Matt is a big bird fan and therefore I often call him Birdboy). It was lunch time when we reached the aviary so we went to it's restaurant for some food. It was a little pricey but we could sit out on a balcony over looking lots of birds, some of them even perched very close to us. We both had a curry but different ones. Mine was a piece of chicken on a bone in a lovely sauce that had a nice bit of spice. On the side there was also peanuts (mix them into the rice and it adds a whole new dimension to the dish), some incredibly spicy squid in sauce (I gave that to Matt) and a boiled egg. Those people that don't like boiled eggs are just strange. It was nice but both of us felt we could get something just as good for half the price. 

It turned out that the aviary cost over £8 each so we decided against it and instead walked through the orchid and hibiscus gardens for free (I took some pictures for you mummy). It proved difficult to find our way out of the botanical gardens from there though and so we ended up walking aimlessly for a good half an hour until we found signs leading us to the train station. At the train station we decided to take a monorail up to the Petronas towers. Kuala Lumpur centre is only small so we could have walked it in about 40 minutes but the monorail looked exciting! It turned out to be quite slow but we could see lots of the city out of the windows, making it worth it. 

We walked a short distance to the KLCC (no idea what the CC stands for) park which the Petronas towers sit in. We sat by the large pond in the middle, looking up at the towers and watching the people around us. Who doesn't love to people watch?! After this we walked another fifteen minutes or so to the KL tower. It cost about £7 for us to go to the observation deck, a level down from the open deck, which wasn't too bad. When up there we could see pretty far out and it was interesting to see how small the centre of Kuala Lumpur actually is. We could also see the football stadium so looked out for the Liverpool team as we knew they were in Kuala Lumpur today as well (they followed us as they were in Bangkok when we were). 

It was gone 7 when we left KL tower and so headed to central market for some food. We had a look at the food court there but thought it looked poor so settled on a hawker style restaurant where I ordered dhal and veg and rice. The dhal was disappointing. It had no pulse in it and lacked any real flavour. I was left slightly disheartened and had to cheer myself up with a roti that had a lovely curry sauce that came with it. After that I also ordered a caramel roti as I was intrigued to see what it would be like. It was exactly the same as the first one but with caramel wrapped up in it. There was even the same curry sauce that strangely went really well with the caramel. The meal wasn't a complete disaster. 

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