Friday 24 July 2015

Welcome to Malaysia

It was our last morning in the Philippines and so we had breakfast at the hotel and wrote some postcards. Unfortunately, we ended up getting a taxi a little later than planned (I blame Matt's slowness) and so we had a driver that drove rather erratically but got us to the the airport on time for our flight to Kuala Lumpur. We checked in and went through security with no problems before stopping for an early lunch (the flight wouldn't get to Kuala Lumpur until 5pm). We ate some very average pricey rice and dry beef which we paid for with our remaining change. 

I realise now why people complain so much about Air Asia. Our flight ended up being delayed by an hour but we didn't get informed of this and therefore sat at the gate just being confused. However, we only ended up arriving fifteen minutes late so it didn't bother us really. We collected our bags and caught a bus heading into the city. 

It was past 7pm when we reached Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur but luckily it was still light. We got a bit confused trying to find our hostel and ended up walking all the way through a Chinese market. This did mean that, after we'd dropped our bags, we knew where to go for some food. There was a food court in the centre of the market with an array of different exciting things. I had some kind of noodles in a spicy sour broth with pork and greens which was quite lovely. Matt had a curry which was delicious and then had a second meal of garlic naan with tandoori chicken that was equally as good. I bought us a lemon and a kiwi juice drink which we happily gulped down, our bellies practically singing with happiness. 

Back at the hostel we discovered we had six female Londoners in our room. We chatted with them for a bit but realised they were young travellers who seemed to care more about shopping and partying than seeing things. Obviously, we're not old but I think we're both developing more of a maturity about everything. 

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