Friday 31 July 2015


This morning we got a slight lie in until 9 because our bus back to Kuala Lumpur wasn't until 11. This meant I had a leisurely breakfast of toast (just butter as I learnt to avoid the jam yesterday) whilst talking to a few other travellers about Bali and how amazing it is. This just got me giddy for Bali!

The bus journey took a good five hours so we didn't arrive in KL until about 4. We dropped off our bags at our nice new hostel in the centre of Chinatown and walked to Central market to see what we could find (Matt was also sorting out a present for a family member). After a visit to the cool post office again (to send the present) we headed back to Chinatown to explore the markets there. Matt purchased a KL t-shirt with the Petronas towers on the front which we dropped off at the hostel (best location ever) before going for tea. 

We decided to go back to the food court we had visited on our first night in KL as we had enjoyed it so much and thankfully were not disappointed. I chose a dry chicken noodle hot plate that was amazing. It had so much flavour and wasn't dry at all but wasn't in a soup or anything. Even the chicken was melt in your mouth. I had no idea how the sauce for the noodles was made though which frustrated me slightly. I want to be able to make it myself! We finished the evening with a celebratory beer at a bar on a street in Chinatown to celebrate our three month travelversary. It's been an amazing three months. 

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