Friday 31 July 2015

KK is 'kay

After an even worse night sleep feeling freezing cold then sweating profusely, wanting to be sick and generally just feeling like death, I had a lie in and didn't get out of the hostel until about midday. I avoided breakfast but accepted some melon and pineapple that Matt bought just outside our hostel. Of course, it then followed that I dropped my piece of melon on the floor which Matt found hilarious. I was quite upset. There was no going back for that piece of melon. We had done some planning though (whilst I was suffering) and had booked another flight from KK to Singapore meaning no going back to Brunei (yay) and no stopping off at KL again. Yes, it cost us an extra £50 and we wasted a flight but it would save us two days travelling and give me time to recover. Also, extra days in nice places like KK and Singapore! Because of this extra time we have another whole day tomorrow so we wanted to book a tour to see some monkeys. We found a travel agent and booked a river cruise to find the proboscis monkeys which can only be found in this part of the world (apparently). There was also something about seeing fireflies at night that sounded exciting so it was a look forward to for tomorrow. 

By this point it was lunch time and Matt was needing food. We sat down at a nice looking cafe and I ordered a boily egg and toast. It's a staple ill food. However, when it came I thought it wasn't cooked properly until a girl came over and sorted me out. She cracked the eggs (there were two) and poured them into a bowl before mixing them up and adding some pepper and soy sauce. They were a little cooked but in my opinion the white could have been done a little more. However, I followed her instructions and dipped my toast in. It was good. But eggs are always good. I love eggs. 

After lunch we walked to the central market to see what that had to offer. It was mainly food which was okay but the smell of the Durian fruit was disgusting. Durian fruit is the worst and stinks out everywhere (in some places it's banned). I also needed to sit down so we went into a mall next to the market and found a bench. Matt went off to the supermarket and brought me back some yoghurt drinks which were quite nice. We were sat right next to a hair dressers which looked quite nice and since I wasn't keen on standing up for a few hours I decided to get a hair cut. Matt got one too as his hair grows at a stupidly fast speed. For a fiver I got my hair washed (actually scraped which wasn't the nicest but I powered through it), blowdried and cut. Not bad. 

Following the haircut (and rest) we walked to see the clock tower and up some steps to a view point where we could see the whole city. Unfortunately, it then started to rain. Heavily. We sat under cover for half an hour or so before braving it and heading out to find somewhere for tea. The guide book had told us about a place so we stopped in there. It was busy and dry and looked good. Turns out it was Chinese (we hadn't actually read what it was) but I ordered a prawn curry that was delicious. It was lemony and coconutty with big meaty prawns that had loads of flavour. It was like they'd been fried before being added to the curry. The big onions that were in it were the same. And I always think tomatoes in a curry are a genius idea. They seem to absorb loads of the flavour as well as add flavour to the sauce. Unfortunately, I couldn't eat it all but this just made Matt happier. It's very handy having someone to finish food for you. Makes me feel less guilty for leaving it. 

As we were walking back to the hostel we passed a nice looking lively bar. It may have not been the wisest of ideas seen as I was still not very well but we stopped for a drink. Our choices of two different tea cocktails were good, one being called exotic zing and the other summer fling. Exotic zing was some kind of tea with passion fruit and rum that is a great combination and the other was gin with lemongrass, ginger and green tea. We're both gin fans but actually preferred the rum drink (probably because of the passion fruit). Maybe one glass of alcohol will help me go straight to sleep...

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