Tuesday 21 July 2015


On our last morning in El Nido (slightly heartbreaking) we both chose a Filipino breakfast. This involved rice, fried egg and a piece of meat which I think might have been pork maybe. This dish was called Tapislog and was very enjoyable. A runny egg is always a plus and the meat was salty and tasty so it was happily gobbled up. Having packed our bags we said bye to Elma and got a tricycle to the bus terminal a little out of town. Here we boarded a bus going back to Puerto Princesa (we'd saved money for the bus) but unfortunately it didn't have any aircon. This meant that the next 6 hours were a little hot but not unbearable. We stopped for food halfway but with our lack of funds we could only afford a small plate of rice and meat. My meat was beef and it was incredibly fatty which put me off it. 

In Puerto Princesa (the capital of Palawan) we got a tricycle to a hostel we'd booked. After a little difficulty finding a cash machine we checked in to the super clean and white room we were given. I like clean accommodation. By this time is was getting on for nearly 6pm so we walked down to the pier for tea. We'd heard that Puerto wasn't much to look at but the pier was lovely with lots of pop up restaurants offering a good spread of food. We settled for a set meal for two which included fish which was boiled in what I think tasted like green tea, a little pork dish that tasted amazing but I couldn't tell you what it was, a load of rice, seaweed which had little drops that burst in your mouth emitting a salty flavour, barbecued squid and an aubergine dish that tasted delicious (barbecued aubergine is the best). All of this was set out on banana leafs on our table so we could just tuck in. With the addition of a beer, this meal was by far the best I'd had in the Philippines. 

We walked a little more through the markets that lined the pier before getting a tricycle back to the hostel with a guy that had his two year old daughter sat in front of him on his bike. It was almost like she was driving us. 

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