Friday 29 May 2015

Cheap and cheerful

Unfortunately, there is no wifi in this hostel (apparently the whole area is down but that's a lie) so blog posting will be a tad late. However, we made it to Vietnam! Our flight from Hong Kong wasn't till the afternoon but we went to the airport early and I roamed around the shops for a while, spraying myself with perfume to mask my sweaty aroma. 

When in Hanoi, we weren't sure how to get from the airport to the hostel but had read that the airport shuttle bus would be fine. The problem was, we didn't know where that bus left from. Instead we apprehensively got on a dodgy minibus, luckily with other English and Americans who seemed a little more clued up. They told the driver we would pay him when we got to our hotels (I never even thought of saying that) and so we shouldn't be dropped off anywhere random. We made it to the hostel in one piece. 

The hostel is nice, lovely people, free beer between 7 and 8pm and free breakfast (all for £3.37; Vietnam is so cheap). After we'd thrown our stuff in the room and drank two free beers we ventured out to find food, settling for a hot baguette with pork. It was rather yummy and we ate it on little plastic stools that you'd find a 3 year old on. The streets are full with these little plastic stools and tables, many women just sat on one whilst stirring a pot of something that they're trying to sell. The roads are packed with people and scooters and cars and bikes. There doesn't seem to be many traffic lights or road markings so it's impossible to cross a road safely. I keep having to hold onto Matt's arm as he crosses so I don't feel like I'm going to die. Scooters vacate the majority of the roads, always beeping for people to move out of the way. It's rather cool and different to anywhere I've ever been but I feel like I've got to always have my wits about me. One also has to be aware of pickpockets as there are tonnes of them. Bumbags are quite trendy. 

We also grabbed a couple of beers at an outdoor bar in the street after our food, paying only 5,000 dong per beer (about 16p). Now that is cheap. 

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