Saturday 23 May 2015

It's raining? I hadn't noticed...

Aberdeen was the destination for today. No, not Scotland (although, the rain made it feel like Scotland), but south of the island. We walked along Aberdeen promenade, many boat tour people pestering us as we passed, before heading into Aberdeen town. There wasn't much to see. A few shops, a dodgy looking market, but the square was quite nice. Sweet Chinese archways stood around it with a little water fountain in the centre. 

Later we headed back to the promenade to catch a free ferry to Jumbo Kingdom, the worlds largest floating restuarant. The ferry took us in between an enormous amount of fishing boats before dropping us off at the restaurant. Unfortunately, the prices for food were a tad ridiculous, think Chelsea price tags, but we were allowed to wonder round. The chandeliers were pretty magnificent and some of the wall art was typical old Chinese (even though the restuarant was only built in the 70s) but the restaurant rooms looked a little dated and in need of some modernisation. 

At the back of the restaurant was a seafood exhibition; basically their seafood was waiting in glass containers of water to be cooked and eaten. Some of the fish were massive and of course there were a fair few lobsters. 

The afternoon was spent in Wan Chai, near central. We went to see a little temple which looked exactly like all other Chinese ones (without being rude they're a little tacky when comparing to the Japanese) and we passed the blue house. I still don't know what the blue house is/was used for so I'll have to google it at some point. 

It had been raining all day on and off but then it started to really rain. And it didn't stop raining. I was drenched even with my waterproof on (so not waterproof). The rest of the day was spent walking through a mall, deliberating whether to go to the cinema (far too expensive) before getting some pork dumplings in noodle soup (quite tasty and nicely seasoned with ginger and onion). 

The rain isn't the end of the world but it does stop us from doing things. Looking at the weather forecast it doesn't look like it's going to change for the rest of the week either. Yay! (Note the sarcasm)

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