Wednesday 27 May 2015

Sweaty peaks

The lovely humid weather hit us early today, getting us beautifully sweaty before we'd even boarded the ferry to Discovery Bay. It meant that the boat ride wasn't the most comfortable, fanning ourselves with leaflets we found in the seat pockets. When we arrived at the bay it was still stupidly hot but we chose to walk along the beach, not paddling though; the beach was quite nice but deserted, probably due to the rain, but it made it feel a little eery. 

I'd read a little about Discovery Bay, mainly things saying how it was upmarket, however, I wasn't expecting the resort type apartments which, in my opinion, looked a little dated. People drove round on golf buggies and I'm pretty sure there were more Americans and British than any Asian nationality. It made me not like the place. 

We stupidly chose to walk from one side of the bay to the other in the heat so by the time we had basked in the air con supplied by a supermarket, our clothes were rather damp and disgusting. We managed to get some bread and cheese which we ate in a square surrounded by modern looking shops. By the time we'd eaten the heat had made us feel lethargic so we got a free shuttle bus back to the ferry. 

Back on Hong Kong Island we finally decided to go to Victoria Peak, something we'd been putting off due to the shitty weather. The tram took us up the mountain (more like a steep hill) to what seemed like a little shopping centre. It was far too touristy for my liking but we got out of the building and to a view point, not the highest point as the mist was still quite heavy. From the view point we could see quite a lot; down onto central and across to Kowloon. When the mist occasionally cleared we could even see the hills beyond which I believe are into the New Territories. Still, I couldn't help but think the view would have been way better with a lush blue sky above it. 

We stayed at the peak until it started to get dark. There were walks to do which would have been lovely but the mist on the peak would have spoilt them. Instead we looked again at the view, watching the lights come on in the city below.

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