Sunday 24 May 2015

Lamma Island

Ferries from the central pier on Hong Kong Island go to many of the outlying islands. Today we chose to get a ferry to Lamma Island. It took about half an hour and when we arrived it wasn't raining! Yay! We walked through the port town (can't remember it's name) and checked out all the little stalls they had going on with mainly seafood. The town (more like a village size) was very old style Chinese with no modern buildings in sight. Quite lovely to walk through. Once we walked out of the village we followed a path to a beach. It was quite a nice beach but it started raining so looked a little depressing. 

After a steady climb up away from the beach, we reached a view point. It had stopped raining (ish) but was so humid that even my face was dripping with sweat. I looked well lush. The view wasn't the best as it was misty but there was a woman selling frozen pineapple pieces. We were so hot that it sounded amazing. We mainly used it to cool down our faces but ate some too. It's not as nice as it sounds. The flavour was lost along with the juiciness. 

We continued to walk across the island, eventually finding another beach, this one a little smaller and less crowded. I really just wanted to swim in the sea to cool myself down but I didn't have a swimming costume and I knew I would regret it later if I went in in my clothes. I settled for paddling. It did cool me down a little and was quite refreshing. 

About another 15 minutes along a path brought us into a fishing village. We walked through, ignoring the pestering restaurant owners attempting to entice us in with their displays of seafood in tubs (it was all still alive). Luckily, there was a ferry port in this village too so we didn't have to retrace our steps. 

Back on Hong Kong Island we stopped off at an ice cream place we'd heard was good. They used something to make the ice cream steam (like the cold steam) which made it look very cool. We chose a honeycomb flavour which was very tasty. The presentation was better than the taste though. 

For tea we went to a dumpling place in Soho. The specials seemed like the appropriate choice so we were given soft pork dumplings and boiled pork, carrot and corn dumplings. They were nice but nothing amazing. I feel like I'm becoming more and more critical about food (if that's even possible). 

Obviously, we had to watch the football so we hung around Lan Kwai Fong, the trendy bar area. After consuming quite a bit of wine (just a New Zealand white, nothing Chinese) we walked through the streets. Many people just drink on the streets so create their own little parties which was rather cool. Unfortunately, we forgot that the metro closes at night so had to walk back to the hostel. It took over an hour. It always seems a little quicker when you're tipsy though. 

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