Tuesday 19 May 2015

Rain, rain, go away

Today was a less exciting day so this post will only be brief. This morning was spent in Hong Kong park which is quite lovely, set on different levels each with something new to see. There was a nice waterfall which one could walk behind, a conservatory (I didn't enter as I was already sweating profusely) and an aviary. Bird boy (Matt's new name as he loves birds) was in his element at the aviary (after he got over the idea of the possibility of snakes roaming around in the bushes). There were some lovely birds to be fair. 

Next to Hong Kong park is the botanical gardens and zoological. There were chimpanzees and more birds and a very large tortoise. Quite fun. From there we wondered back over to central to find a supermarket (mainly for the aircon). After some bread and ham in the rain we walked along through part of soho but the rain wasn't the best. It cooled everything down but I was too preoccupied with keeping dry so I didn't take in what was around me. 

The late afternoon was spent walking along the harbour. I will admit that I did purchase something from macdonalds but before you scoff hear me out. It was a green tea ice cream with chocolate sauce and peanuts. You can't get them in the UK. Plus it was like 60p and it was yummy. I hope to make my own green tea ice cream when I'm reunited with my ice cream maker. 

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