Friday 15 May 2015

LG Twins

This morning we started off at the Olympic park. The entrance to the park was marked with the Seoul Olympic Games peace gate which was quite spectacular. However, for some unknown reason, the park was overrun with school kids. I thought I might be attacked or bullied but we still walked round the majority of it, checking out lots of different sculptures and a fortress as we passed (the fortress wasn't as impressive as it sounds; it was a grassy hill). 

The morning had escaped us quickly so we went for lunch at a Lotte Mall (ridiculously big malls that are all over the city). I chose rice with squid which was in a spicy tomato sauce (not unbearable this time) and topped with cucumber. Quite tasty, but as always, the squid was over cooked. The Koreans also like to add a little bowl of what tastes like a nice stock, occasionally with noodles and spring onions added, to the table for each person. I'm not sure what it's for but my guess is a palette cleanser. It's not a bad addition but a little unnecessary. However, like the Japanese, they give you cups and a jug of water as soon as you arrive, along with little pickles. This I love. 

After lunch we checked out the sports complex which housed some of the Olympic stadiums. It wasn't the most exciting place, but we did find the baseball stadium and discovered there was to be a game that evening. Therefore, we went and sat by the river and played cards in a lovely garden for an hour (my cool Harry Potter cards). You may think we should have been spending all our time exploring Seoul; walking gets very tiring and sometimes sitting and relaxing is rather pleasant. 

At just gone five we trekked back to Jamsil Baseball stadium to buy tickets. For 12,000 won we got pretty good seats within the home fans (just over seven quid). To start, the seats weren't full and people were more interested in eating their fast food than cheering, but an hour or two in, people were on their feet, shouting for their team. And the chants. I have no idea what they were saying but I joined in happily (probably made up my own words). The atmosphere became pretty awesome. With a beer in my hand and some honey and chilli Doritos (great invention) to eat I was a happy bunny. Even though the LG Twins lost. 

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