Tuesday 12 May 2015

Welcome to Seoul

We arrived in Seoul safe and sound! The first difference that we noticed was the weather. It's cold! And rather windy. Hopefully it will warm up a tad. A rucksack can only hold so many jumpers. It's also massively lively. Well, the area not far from our hostel is. With masses of bars, cafes and shops people were swarming the streets, making the whole place come alive. 

We walked round for a while before deciding to search for some tea (we didn't get to the hostel till 4pm). After settling on a place we sat down and chose pictures on the menu that looked good (it was all in Korean). The waitress warned us about something but we still don't know what it was. We only ordered two dishes to share but she brought out little side dishes with onion and garlic, then a big bowl of salad with a chilli dressing followed by this chilli soup with some weird object in which I was unsure whether it was edible. After this, we got given our two dishes, both put on little burners to keep warm. We had chosen some marinated chicken on top of bean sprouts and spring onions and a rice dish with herbs. Both were delicious but after the spicy salad and weird spicy soup, the chicken was even more spicy. My mouth was on fire, and I'm not that bad with spicy stuff. Pretty sure I got through a whole jug of water myself. The chicken was very flavoursome but my tongue burnt every time I ate it. It also had some little round white things which had the same flavour but their texture was a little softer, more doughy. Not a clue what they were though. I managed to eat quite a lot, gulping water between each mouthful and it only came to 10,000 won each (about £6) which was good value considering the amount of food we were given. 

To cool our mouths down (great excuse there) we went for a drink. I chose I strawberry draft beer which tasted a lot nicer that it sounds. I also chose a honey ice cream beer which is pretty much beer with ice cream and honey on top. The ice cream ended up tasting more like beer whereas the beer just tasted a bit like a lager (I think, I'm not massively wise on beer) but the overall presentation was impressive.

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