Monday 13 July 2015

The Super Market

After what most people would have found a pleasant train journey (I didn't get much sleep so wasn't the jolliest), we arrived in Bangkok. It took around an hour to very slowly drift into the centre so the train arrived late. This was probably a good thing as it was just after 7am when we'd caught a couple of metros and found our hostel. We had to knock on the door and disturb the owner, Joy (luckily she was awake). The only way I can think of describing joy is to say that she's the best. She gave us a key but obviously our room wasn't ready yet so we went and found some iced coffee (Matt had tea) and booked an internal flight for the Philippines. At around 10 we headed back, hopeful that we could nap and shower before seeing some of the city. We had to wait an hour as people were slow to check out and the room needed cleaning but finally we could nap for an hour and then shower. 

Feeling refreshed, we headed out to the weekend market, the biggest market in the world. By this point it was mid afternoon so we wanted a late lunch. On the outskirts of the market were little pop up street food restaurants so we stopped in one. I had pork and rice which was rather dull but everything else on the menu seemed to contain a massive amount of spice. In the market we were surprised at its size considering it's the biggest market in the world. Don't get me wrong, it was huge, but we walked round most of the 5000 stalls in a couple of hours. It was amazing though, far more sophisticated and up market (although still the same low prices) than any other market we've been to. There were loads of vintage like stalls with gorgeous skirts and dresses that I feel any girl my age would have loved and probably would have splurged massively. I had to stop myself from buying lots but did purchase a beautiful long green skirt for 100 baht (£2). We also bought a waterproof bag that we've seen lots of people using as it will be incredibly useful for boat trips and rain (we won't look like teenage mutant ninja turtles anymore with our rucksacks on under our raincoats). 

Having had a good walk around the market, we had a sit down in the park next to it. I do like a park and this one had a lovely big pond in the centre with pedalos to hire. We decided to walk through the park (it wasn't very big) before going back into the market for some tea. Somehow, we managed to find a very nice food court area that seemed lively and had a large variety of food available. After doing some free tasting we chose a curry each. I had beef in mine with rice. It wasn't too spicy and tasted nicely homemade so I happily ate it. Matt's eyes were bigger than chillies as he chose a pork like salad (his second dinner) which had a large amount of chillies on with the seeds still in. His mouth was on fire and he had to buy a milk drink to calm the burning. All I did was laugh. I bought myself a nice dessert as Matt suffered. It was plain yoghurt topped with strawberry sorbet topped with condensed milk topped with milk and white chocolate drops. Super yummy and something I will be making at home (homemade sorbet obviously). 

We were both still pretty tired so headed back to the hostel at a reasonable time and went straight to sleep. 

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