Sunday 3 May 2015


Not much to tell today as most of the day was spent travelling. It seemed like the quickest way to get to Kyoto would be to travel back to Tokyo and get the Shinkansen (bullet train). We stayed in Tokyo for lunch, finding a ramen place within Tokyo station. It was great! The food game super quick which I realised was because the noodles were fresh. I've gone off udon noodles a bit now as they're quite slug like but these were similar to egg noodles we buy at home. The stock they lay in was a tad salty but the spring onions and sesame seeds made it taste delicious. It also came with 2 slices of roast pork laid on top and some dumplings on the side which were like gyozas but tasted like vegetable spring rolls. 

With our bellys nicely full we ventured onto the Shinkansen. It was fast. You could feel the acceleration in the train as it sped up. And the leg room was very decent. 

We didn't make it to Kyoto till half 5 and had to catch a bus to our hostel. The organised people that we are, we obviously didn't have directions to the hostel but were told it was a few minutes from various stations so used our mathematical skills (common sense) to figure out a rough area of where it could be. Luckily, we managed to come across it very quickly so have had time this evening to wonder through the streets, passing what look like old tea houses, and grabbed some weird dumpling things from a market stall. They were like potato dumplings with a piece of squid in the centre and spring onions scattered on top. Not bad. 

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